Z veseljem sporočamo, da je naša nova podružnica v Mariboru uradno odprta in operativna! 🎉Ta širitev predstavlja pomemben mejnik v našem poslanstvu nuditi odvetniške storitve z enako kakovostjo in strokovnostjo, ki našo pisarno opredeljujeta že več kot 30 let.Podružnico v Mariboru bosta vodili Barbara Kürner Čad in Maša Žehelj, ki bosta...
Naš odvetniški pripravnik Kristian Schulz sodeluje v 12. generaciji AmCham Slovenia Young Professionals™.Platforma AmCham Young Professionals™ omogoča poslovnim »liderjem« naslednje generacije razvijanje svojih talentov, mreženje s posamezniki in zagotavlja okolje z visokim potencialom. Dosedanjo izkušnjo je Kristian Schulz opisal ...
📢 Pravna praksa št. 48, 9. december 2021 Odvetniški pripravnik Matic Čad je za slovenski pravni časopis Pravna praksa pripravil recenzijo knjige »Pravilo poslovne presoje (Business Judgement Rule): poslovna etika in sprejemanje poslovnih odločitev, Nova univerza, [Nova Gorica], 2020« avtorja dr. Jožeta Ruparčiča.V recenziji ugotavlja širši druž...


The employees of our Law Firm are experts in many areas of economic activity and have the knowledge and experience needed to provide quality legal services. In addition to individual specializations, our experts are well versed in general legal areas, which enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive, innovative and effective legal solutions, and our professionalism is reflected in their trust and loyalty.

The professionalism, high quality and focus on our clients in providing legal consulting services, legal aid and the provision of other legal services is reflected in the trust and loyalty of our clients.

Our guideline is to ensure our clients are thrilled, as the mere satisfaction of a client is no longer enough!

Law Firm ČAD will impress you on a regular basis on account of some of its fundamental characteristics that it personifies, particularly through its honesty, ethics and reliability, complete focus on our clients, high-level of professionalism in all areas of its operation and through its support for cooperation and collegiality.

Our approach is defined by the following values:


Justice, ethics, reliability and respect in the practice of our profession. We respect the commitments we take on and accept accountability for our actions.

Focus on clients

We fully strive to understand the requirements, challenges, guidelines and objectives of our clients in order to continuously raise the quality of our services.

Business excellence

We continuously strive to achieve exceptional results in everything we do.


We seek, share and respect different aspects and operate as a uniform and coordinated team vis-à-vis colleagues, clients and third parties. We strive for honest, constructive and consistent cooperation.


The advantages of the Law Firm are prominently highlighted due to experience of the Law Firm's Partners, Attorneys-at-Law Tomaž Čad, Matic Čad and Barbara Kürner Čad, combined with innovative approaches of younger representatives of the Law Firm.

We combine experts that in addition to everyone's specific field of expertise, universally also master general legal areas, which enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive legal solutions to their problems and individually-tailored consultancy.


All experts

Tomaž Čad

Tomaž Čad

Managing Partner

Barbara Čad



Matic Čad



Gala Čad


Attorney Trainee

Kristian Schulz



Maša Žehelj

Maša Žehelj

Attorney Candidate

Maja Čas

Maja Čas

Attorney Trainee

Lan Luznar

Lan Luznar

Attorney Trainee

Katja Gril


Finance Expert

Lidija Bertoncelj


Head of Administration

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